About Us

Welcome to the Gold Coast 4WD Club

The Gold Coast Four Wheel Drive Club started with a couple of enthusiasts getting

together in the bush.  The word spread and numbers grew.  Someone suggested, “Why not form a club?”  Next, a meeting was organised and the Club was formed, with the help of another Club in Brisbane.


The inaugural meeting of the Club was held on the 17th March, 1975 wherein the Club name was established, followed by the first General Meeting on the 8th April, 1975 with a membership of 15.


The tradition of the General Meeting being held on the 1st Tuesday of every month and is still being followed today, although the venue has changed over the years.  The Nerang Country Paradise Parklands, Nerang is now our home.


The Club offers inexperienced members in-house training through its Driver Awareness Programme; combining theory with practical application.  Advanced courses are also available for those wanting to improve their skills or prepare for that lifetime adventure.


In addition to day drives, and camping weekends, the Club enjoys social activities for all the family.


Our aim is to encourage camaraderie, promote social activity and an opportunity for like minded people to enjoy the outdoors and all Australian has to offer. 


So, Come for the Fun of it , Stay for the Friendship.





With thanks to one of our club sponsors..

GCFWDC Sponsor: SEQ 4X4