We have around 100 Members (including Life members), 80 Partner members and quite a few Dependant members (Under 18yrs).

Broadly the objectives of the club are to bring together individuals with a passion for four-wheel driving and the environment, to share knowledge and skills through training and doing, promote a considerate and responsible use of four-wheel drive vehicles, to explore and enjoy the natural environment through organised events.


The objectives of the Club as available in the Club Constitution

Our Trips and Events range from

  • social events e.g., Group dinner, golf, bowls,  
  • day drives, with a variety of driving levels, from easy to extreme
  • weekend and longer driving / camping trips, ranging from remote self-sufficient camping to caravan parks.


Our events are only limited by the willingness of members to suggest and lead them. Although a trip has a single trip leader, we work together to make our events a success.

So, if you have a specific type of driving you would like to do, you can put up a trip suggestion, lead the trip and take others along for the experience.

Yes, the club has a long tradition of taking welcoming our youngest members, and children are welcome on most club events with several

of our events include special activities for the young ones (and the young at heart) including Christmas - Santa; Halloween -Trick or treat, and spooky drives; Easter - egg hunts…

Just remember that as parents you are responsible for their safety and supervision at all times.

Club memberships are Group / Family and consist of a Primary Member who is the subscribing member and Secondary (Partner, Dependants) members to the membership.

The membership categories of the Club consist of Full Member, and any of the following classes of memberships: Life Member, Social Member, Temporary Member, Corporate Member, Guest, Visitor, Family Membership and Honorary Member.

Regardless of the type of membership that is right for you, the first step is to register as a visitor to access more of the site and make contact, so you can ask more questions.

For full membership (most applied for) there are some prerequisites

  • you must have a licence and
  • have access to a registered and insured four-wheel drive.

make your application for membership, pay the joining fee, and complete the Driver Awareness Program (DAP).  

To participate as a DRIVER in Club Trips you must be driver aware (have completed the Clubs Driver Awareness Program (DAP), or another approved 4WD Training recognised by the management committee) and have at least 3rd Party Property insurance. You MUST also be licensed for the vehicle and operate within any restrictions of that licence.

The Driver Awareness Program (DAP) is a non-accredited driver education program that is run by the Club. 

It is a one-day introduction to four-wheel driving held at a dedicated venue.  The purpose is to ensure that members with driving rights have been introduced to emergency driving techniques, recovery equipment, and good driving practices, including practical driver education in a controlled environment prior to attending club events.

The tracks at the venue are designed to be driveable in an unmodified four-wheel drive with road tyres.

Most of our experienced members still say that they learn something new every time they go out driving.

The DAP is a day of education that provides a foundation of basic knowledge and skills to start your four-wheel driving adventure. To become proficient takes practice and time driving off-road.

The advantage of a club is that learning does not just occur in a formal training environment but through sharing knowledge and experience as part of our ongoing adventures.

I am biased of course; I am a club member…

But if you enjoy adventure with like-minded people and sharing experiences then a club could be right for you.

And if/when things do not go to plan it is nice to know that you are with people that take care of each other and will do everything they can to ensure that we all get home safely.  

Club General Meetings are usually on the first Tuesday of each month (Excluding January).  Meetings are scheduled to start at 7:30pm. Members are usually there from 7:00pm.

To confirm when the next meeting is, and the venue have a look at Events.

There is a summary calendar of upcoming events, for a public overview of what we get up to. The main Events menu only shows the User the events that they are eligible to register for, and attend.  As a public or visitor, only public events are visible.



With thanks to one of our club sponsors..

GCFWDC Sponsor: SEQ 4X4